Friday, May 30, 2008

A Fresh Start!

Here comes a head start to mark the last day of May and soon to embrace the month of June. I for one can say that I am pleased that the last month of school is approaching, leaving me with exactly 20 days left. Unfortunately, I will be covered from head to toe with school work. Ahh! I'll need new notebooks only to fill those pages with notes for finals.

Anyway, I am quite excited to be able to program efficiently and I believe I am on a roll. Though, I tend to scratch, move, and divert from work after writing long code. Sometimes, I return to my work confused about what was written. Then, it takes me a few minutes to fix, add on, and venture off again. I just downloaded a free ebook on game programming called "Game Programming for Teens, Second Edition by Maneeshi Sethi" and It's absolutely easy. I have only read a few chapters but I got the hang off it already due to all the tutorials read elsewhere on the internet (which are suprisingly few) and on youtube. I praise a tuber named amcadam for taking his time to make such vidtuts that allow beginners like myself to learn and begin game programming. He doesn't cover everything, at least not all the topics I'd like to learn but because of him, I am able to dip my hand into a more beginner-friendly programming language. Fortunately, the book deals with the same langauge I am currently learning and the compiler being used; BlitzPlus.

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